As a hearing aid user, I have been using Phonak Roger microphones for a long time. These unique microphones use advanced technology to help me hear better in noisy situations, connect to media, and handle things at work more easily.
I recently started using the newest version – the Phonak Roger Select microphone, which has improved the way I experience various situations. Here is my review.
What is Phonak Roger?
The Phonak Roger Select is part of the Phonak Roger family of microphones. Phonak Roger microphones are external microphones that connect wirelessly to hearing aids to help users hear better in a variety of situations. The microphone in a hearing aid is placed behind or inside the ear (depending on the hearing aid model). As a result, most of the sounds transmitted to the brain are those that can be easily picked up by the ear.
However, it can be challenging for people with hearing loss to hear only with hearing aids. In fact, 31 percent of hearing aid users say they continue to have trouble hearing in noisy situations, according to a study published in the American Journal of Audiology. Research shows that devices such as the Roger Pen, Roger Table Mic, Roger Select and Roger Touchscreen Mic allow hearing aid users to hear 10 times better with Roger technology in noise and at a distance than people with normal hearing.
“…hearing aid users hear 10 times better with Roger technology in noise and at a distance than people with normal hearing.”
Phonak Roger devices have various designs. The Roger Pen is shaped like a pen and is useful for directional voice conversations. The Roger Select is useful for conversations around the table as it sits on the table and picks up voices around it. Classrooms are good environments for the Roger Touchscreen Mic, as the teacher can wear it around the neck and allow their voice to go directly into the student’s hearing aids.
Read more: How Roger technology changed this teacher’s life
Phonak Roger Select Review
I just tried the new Phonak Roger Select microphone with the new iN technology. The Roger Select is a round microphone that fits in the palm of your hand. It has microphones around the device. When it is placed in the center of a table, it can automatically select the person who is speaking and transmit their voice to the hearing aid user. It also automatically and seamlessly switches from one speaker to another.
Thanks to the use of multiple microphones in six directions, the speech is covered in 360°. In a study conducted by Phonak, users reported that they understood group conversations with background noise better than with hearing aids alone.
Favorite Features
Roger connects directly to my hearing aids
The new Roger microphones are compatible with Phonak Marvel hearing aids. Thanks to RogerDirect technology, they connect to my hearing aids without the need for an external receiver. My audiologist took care of the installation, so all I had to do was plug them in.
This technology has revolutionized my day to day life. It is comfortable and easy to use. My hearing aids are lighter and more stylish because I no longer need an external receiver to connect to the microphones.
“This technology has revolutionized my day to day life.”
I can hear others in social situations better
I use my Roger when I am at the table with my family. When someone across the table speaks, it seems that they are sitting next to me. I hear them perfectly. It’s magical; their voice comes directly through my headphones. I feel less excluded and can really participate in all the conversations.
When I go out to a restaurant with my friends, these accessories are extremely beneficial. We are usually in a noisy environment, which is not ideal for listening and participating in conversations. Roger microphones reduce background noise so I can focus on the conversations around me. It’s very helpful and sounds like my friends are sitting next to me. It’s much less tiring and allows me to make the most of our time together.
Roger facilitates work meetings
In business meetings, I use the Roger Select. It gives me the energy I need to give my best throughout the day. I don’t get as tired and can concentrate more on the content of the meetings. Throughout the day I feel more relaxed and can express myself more easily.
I don’t just use these products in group meetings. I also find them useful when I’m in a one-on-one meeting or chatting with a colleague. It’s nice to be able to hear the other person’s voice clearly. This device is invaluable; I cannot imagine living my life without the help of my Roger.
Watch: Roger Select – Versatile microphone to boost hearing performance
Deaf from birth, Sophie Vouzelaud champions the rights of disabled people and seeks to change attitudes toward those with disabilities. First runner-up in the 2007 Miss France pageant, Sophie is now a model and works alongside Phonak to help people with hearing loss.