How to cope with hearing loss and noise

Noise is all around us. In most places we go today, there is some type of noise. Often we just become so ingrained to living in a hearing world that most might not even think twice about it. However, coping with hearing loss and noise isn’t always easy.

Noise and Hearing Loss

The concept and impact of noise is different for everyone with hearing loss. It depends on a variety of factors. We all process sound differently or not at all. Some people may only feel minimally affected by noise in their environments while for others it can be extremely overbearing.

Some may think, well, if you have a hearing loss, then noise shouldn’t really be that loud or disturbing. But there’s a lot more to it than that. As deaf and hard of hearing people, even the slightest bit of background noise can be enough to block out a person’s voice who is sitting right next to you at the conversational level of sound. This is because we have a more difficult time processing more than one sound at a time or blocking out the things we don’t need to hear. Additionally, some of us have sensory overload. This is when louder noises in general can just feel overbearing through our hearing aids due to the amplification of certain frequencies.

Read more: Hearing Loss Simulator: Understanding mild and moderate hearing loss 

Noise is Different for Everyone

From the perspective of someone with hearing loss, we may not realize just how loud or soft something is. This is because some sounds that are as low as 47dBs — such as the keys on a keyboard — can actually seem louder to some of us if we’re wearing hearing aids. Others might not even hear the sound at all.

Another example is wind noise, which can actually register up to 90dBs! Wind noise has always been unbearably loud for me, especially in a car. Imagine trying to converse with someone in that car. I have an extremely difficult time hearing over that noise.

Read more: This is how loud a typical day is

Personal Experiences

I consider myself to be someone who has easily-triggered sensory overload. What this means for me is that things that involve higher levels of background noise or sound can feel overstimulating or overwhelming. Take a crowded grocery store, for example. The sound of the scanners, people rustling, shopping carts, intercoms, and people talking can be a lot to take in. It can feel like my mind is spinning in 10 different directions trying to find the noise/voice that’s actually important or just trying to block it out all together. This is especially true if I’m shopping with another person. I can’t exactly just turn my hearing aids off and tune out; as I can hardly hear them over all of that noise.

Other examples include places that have multiple sounds, noises, etc. going on at once, and/or that are crowded. Loud music, parties, or concerts are other things that are a bit overbearing to my ears. Sometimes because my ears are so sensitive to louder noises, other people forget that I have hearing loss and can’t hear in some instances too. You can be overstimulated by loud noise, especially if you use amplifying technology, yet still be impacted by hearing loss. This is because amplifying technology doesn’t always make sound clearer, just louder. Additionally, it’s often very dependent on frequencies and environment. Hearing aids can help us hear pretty well in one situation but can be the complete opposite in another.

Coping in a Noisy World as Someone with Hearing Loss

So for those who are like me and are more sensitive to noise, how can we cope with these every day noises that surround us in a hearing world? There’s no one clear-cut answer or set of coping skills to navigate this challenge as everyone is different. However, here are just a few ways that can help:

  • Breathe, Breathe, Breathe: This can feel like one of the hardest things to do in a situation where you’re overwhelmed and overstimulated. However, it can be one of the most important. Paying attention to your breathing in these anxiety-provoking situations, will help keep your nervous system and fight or flight response at bay to help you manage it a bit better.
  • Experiment With Different Tools and Tech: Everyone is different in terms of how they cope, communicate, and hear. Some people may choose to wear their hearing aids in some situations but not others. For instance, people may opt not to wear their hearing aids in more noisy environments and rely more on visual communication.

Phonak recently unveiled a new hearing aid platform called “Lumity,” which provides a big step forward in speech-understanding in background noise. The new hearing aids include an update to Phonak’s directional microphone technology, StereoZoom, and a new feature called “Speech Sensor,” a 360 degree speech detection algorithm allowing better understanding in conversations.

Others may choose to rely on technology, such as an FM/microphone system that can help direct certain noises. Phonak Roger microphone technology is one solution that provides extra hearing capacities to hearing aid users. Roger is designed to improve hearing in situations with background noise or the distance to the speaker. The microphones function by picking up the voice of the speaker and wirelessly transmitting it to you. This is helpful at home, work, social life and school.

Some people also have capabilities on their phone that allow them to create certain programs like the myPhonak app, which also provides a Hearing Aid Remote Control and Telehealth via Phonak Remote Support.

Others may use written modes of communication in this overwhelming situation. It’s all about finding what works for you.

  • Advocate for What You Need: If you know you’ll be going to a noisy place, sometimes you can arrange for certain accommodations or preparations beforehand. This might mean reaching out to an office or event coordinator where an event, meeting, etc. is to create a plan that will make navigation a bit easier. Sometimes, though, we can’t plan ahead for these things or know what to expect, so it comes as a shock. Regardless of which situation you find yourself in, never shy away from advocating what you need.
  • Take a Break From Amplification/Noise: It’s okay to take a break. If you’re at a party and it’s overstimulating, it’s okay to go outside or walk away for a few moments to get a noise-break. It can also be helpful to unplug from amplification devices after a noisy encounter to give your brain a break.  This by far has been one of the things that has helped me the most in these situations.

It’s okay to take a break.

  • Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: When you’re in a noisy situation, it can be easy to get frustrated. You might feel like you’ve asked for repetition more times than you can count. Or maybe you feel like you’re a burden because others seemed frustrated with you. One of the biggest things I’ve learned in these situations is not to be so hard on myself. In these scenarios, we’re forced to adapt and adjust to a situation that makes that incredibly difficult. Yet we still often manage to do it. That alone takes a lot of energy and resourcefulness. You’re doing a better job than you think.

Be Mindful

Despite living in an ever-so noisy world, it has taught me that while certain noises can be beautiful, there’s also a lot of beauty in silence and peace. Too often, we get caught up in the noise and chaos of life that we forget to take those few silent moments. Whether you are hearing, hard of hearing, or deaf, I encourage you to take that time for yourself. Give your brain a chance to process all of the sounds of the day that you may not realize you take in.

To the hearing world: Please be mindful that noise to the deaf and hard of hearing community may not be the same as for you. In fact, it’s likely completely different. Never judge another based on their perception or reactions to noise.

Hi, my name is Danielle! I’m an Psy.D. graduate psychology student with an immense passion for writing and helping and inspiring others in any way I can. I am an anti-bullying and mental health advocate, blogger, and public speaker through my personal blog and social media campaign, “Compassionately Inspired”. I was born with a severe conductive hearing loss and hope to inspire others both in the hard of hearing and deaf community as well as the hearing community. “Everybody has a story”; that’s my motto and I hope my stories inspire you in one way or another.

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