Holiday inspired hearing aids and CI

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

I absolutely adore Christmas time and everything involved with it.  Being in the UK, our traditions include decorating the front room with garlands and fairy lights, wearing tacky Christmas jumpers and munching on pigs in blankets!

This is Harry’s second Christmas, but this year is his first “hearing” one and I aim to make it special!  It’s got me thinking about how to get Harry more interested and involved in the holidays, so it’s time to start some new traditions, and one of those is going to be decorating Harry’s cochlear implants!

I have been pinning away on Pinterest for some ideas on how we can make his CI’s festive without going too overboard or getting in the way of how they are designed to work.

Here are some of my favorite ideas and inspirations.


Will you be decorating your Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants for Christmas?? Share your photos with Phonak on social media!

IMG_8800IMG_8800Lucie is a lifestyle and parenting blogger from Hampshire, UK. She is mummy to 2-year-old Harry who is profoundly deaf and a bilateral Advanced Bionics cochlear implant user. She loves drinking tea, cozy nights in with her family and pinning on Pinterest!

You can follow her here on Open Ears on a regular basis, or on her personal blog,  Lucie and the Bump.


Lucie is a lifestyle blogger and mother living in Hampshire, United Kingdom. She is the mother of Harry, 4 years old, who is profoundly deaf and a bilateral user of cochlear implants from Advanced Bionics. She loves to drink tea, cozy nights with her family and go on Pinterest!

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