
Coping and self-care tips for people with hearing loss during the pandemic

Managing hearing loss and mental health May 21, 2021 Community Spotlight: Meet deaf powerlifter Katie Norton May 26, 2021 Coping and self-care tips for people with hearing loss have never been more needed than right now. The pandemic has been increasingly frustrating for many deaf and hard of hearing individuals, especially as facial expressions are

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Trunk or Treat with a hearing loss

Behind the scenes of Cannes winner ‘We Hear You’ October 28, 2021 Major UK TV channel without captioning November 1, 2021 In the last few years, “Trunk or Treat” has become very popular. Instead of kids going door to door in a neighborhood, communities create a Halloween event in one place. Adults decorate their cars

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How I discovered my deaf identity

Have you ever wondered about all of the different deaf identities out there? Or have you ever felt confused about why a person identifies with a certain deaf identity? Deaf identity can be a complex concept to understand but is incredibly diverse and unique to our culture and community. It exists on a continuum. One’s

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