
Tips for teaching with hearing loss

Being a teacher with hearing loss gives you a unique opportunity to teach students about empathy and hearing loss awareness from a young age. As a now-former Deaf teacher, I taught for three years as an intern and elementary school educator. I was originally drawn to teaching by my coaching. The principal of the school […]

Tips for teaching with hearing loss Read More »

Two moms of children with hearing loss create Instagram account to help others learn sign language

Meagan Ackerman and Lana Wilson, are two mothers both raising children with hearing loss. The two mothers met on social media and decided to join together to create an account to teach their family and friends American Sign Language.  When Meagan and Lana first connected on social media, they discovered that they are both on similar

Two moms of children with hearing loss create Instagram account to help others learn sign language Read More »

How mild-moderate hearing loss often is overlooked in the classroom

People with mild to moderate hearing loss often get overlooked and tend to not have intervention services. This can significantly impact classroom performance. Karen Putz once said, “A little hearing loss on an audiogram is a big deal if you’re not getting 100 percent communication access.” This statement has really stuck with me. Mild-Moderate Hearing

How mild-moderate hearing loss often is overlooked in the classroom Read More »

What I wish I had known about university accessibility as a student with hearing loss

The transition from high school to university is one of the most exciting yet terrifying experiences. I remember lying awake with jittering nerves uncertain about venturing into the unknown. The last 12 years of academia built up to this, yet I wasn’t prepared. There are many things I wish I had known about university accessibility

What I wish I had known about university accessibility as a student with hearing loss Read More »

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