Tips for Organizing Your Hearing Technology

With hearing loss part of your daily routine, here are some tips on organizing your hearing technology to make life a little easier!

6 Tips to Organizing Your Hearing Technology

1. Home Storage

Instead of having all your gadgets scattered around the home, how about finding a dedicated storage box to keep everything safe in an easily accessible place?

I keep all my hearing aid technology, travel kits, repair box, and chargers in a basket in my bedroom. Storing everything in a secure, cool, dry place keeps them in their best condition.

2. Cool Storage Ideas

Fellow Phonak hEARos Mia, Emmy and Lana and Meag have shared these cool photos of their storage solutions:


3. Hearing Aid Care Kit

I find it super handy having a little box with all the essential hearing aid repair and care items.

Hearing Aid Care KItHearing Aid Care KIt 

It’s a perfect place to keep little items, as well as spare batteries, tubing, filters, hooks, and everything else needed to take care of your technology.

4. Out and About

I’m always traveling or out and about to places, especially for work. I love having little pouches handy to put smaller technology in so they don’t get lost in my bag.

  Hearing Technology Bag Hearing Technology Bag

5. Cables and Ties

There’s nothing worse than wanting to charge something up and not knowing which charger cable belongs to which technology. I like using sandwich bag ties or mini seal bags to keep cables together, and labeling them with stickers so it’s easy to tell what belongs where.

For headphones and travel items, little pouches are useful. A mini headphone tie can also keep those wires from getting tangled.

6. All Things Creative

For the latest hearing aid decor, why not keep stickers in an envelope and any decorative tape or bits and bobs in a box? This would be a quick and accessible place for when you’ve got a spare five minutes to jazz up your technology.

hearing aids stickershearing aids stickers 

Organization doesn’t have to be boring. Be as creative as you like! Why not have a look on Pinterest for some ideas?

Read more: How to Decorate Your Hearing Aids

What organizational tips do you have?

Ellie was born profoundly deaf, uses verbal communication, lipreads and wears Phonak Sky Q hearing aids. She is currently learning British Sign Language. Ellie hasn’t let her disability stand in the way and embraces every new challenge. Her deafness didn’t prevent her from achieving major accomplishments in her life, such as excelling in her education, previously working as a Marketing Executive and now as an Events Coordinator for a deaf organization, as well as blogging for Hearing Like Me. She is passionate about deaf awareness, campaigning for equality and helping others through her personal blog as Deafie Blogger.

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