Experiencing music is a personal experience for everyone. The type of music you listen to, how you listen to it and where you listen to it can all affect your personal relationship to music. Listening to music as a cochlear implant user gives an additional dimension of sound and auditory processing that further personalizes the experience.
To better understand music engagement and enjoyment among cochlear implant users, Albany Medical College and Stanford University is inviting cochlear implant users to take part in a short survey.
Cochlear Implants and Music Survey
The Albany Medical College Department of Otolaryngology inviting cochlear implant users (aged 18-89) to take a survey about patient experiences with music streaming services.
“As we were conducting our research, we came across Hearing Like Me and the vast amount of content it has that connects health and hearing with technology, art, and lifestyle,” says Shreya Srivastava, a medical student at AMC. “Music remains a complex, nuanced topic in the hard of hearing community. Because decreased music appreciation is often one of the most reported characteristics post CI surgery, we felt as though we needed to investigate this further. Diverse personal experiences and opinions from CI users regarding music can broaden our understanding of medicine, culture, and technology.”
What is the purpose of this study?
The study aims to help improve music engagement and enjoyment among cochlear implant users.
“As music streaming services such as Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, etc. grow in popularity, and as cochlear implant technology continues to change, we think it’s important to understand how these changes are impacting cochlear implant users,” says Srivastava. “We also hope to identify ways in which this technology can be improved.”
What will the study involve?
This survey is completely voluntary and anonymous. It takes about 15 minutes and asks questions about use of music streaming platforms and music preferences.
The survey also includes questions about your hearing condition, your current age, age at the time of implantation, and age at the time of hearing loss. It will also ask you about your past and present music listening behaviors, favorite songs, and things you like and dislike about streaming.
At the end of the survey, participants will be offered a $5 eGift card (until limit is reached.) Participants will also have the opportunity to take part in an optional 60-90 minute interview (by video call) that goes along with the survey.