The transition from your home to a college dorm can be a little scary and confusing, but it’s not all bad.
Whether you will be attending college soon, or you’re a current college student, here’s some advice about dorm life for someone with hearing loss.
4 tips for living in a dorm with hearing loss
1. Making sure the housemaster knows about your hearing loss
It’s important that the house leader/master and resident advisor (RA) know about your hearing loss. He or she can relay that information to emergency service workers, so in case of an emergency, they know exactly where your room is.
Also, they may be able to refer you to important services and people that can equip you with the necessary items and processes.
2. Going to dorm events/meetings
Usually, RAs or floor leaders will host events like study breaks or small get-togethers. They can be for the whole dorm, or just for your particular floor. I’d definitely say to check them out! Don’t avoid all the events.
But, if large crowds aren’t your thing, you can ask your RA about smaller group settings.
3. Communal Living
As is part of college life, you will have to use communal bathrooms, showers, lounges… all that stuff. If you’re worried about not having your hearing aids on, don’t be! When I first moved in, I thought I would always need to keep my hearing aids in, no matter what.
But, actually, it’s not really necessary. It’s up to you what you’re comfortable with.
4. Talking to dorm-mates
As always, it’s important to let people know you have hearing loss. Especially if you’re doing a group study session, let the people know, so you can be involved in the group. But don’t get frustrated if you struggle a little in the groups.
I still find myself having trouble in group settings, so usually, I try and work with people individually. It’s okay if you don’t function well in a group. There are always other options!
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The transition to dorm life isn’t something you need to be scared of. With time, you will adjust and do just fine.
What tips do you have for dorm life? Let us know in the comments!